We are currently in the process of transferring over almost twenty years of CIDER Sessions, and the list below is not yet complete. In the meantime, you can search the following 117 session records since 2004 and return for updates.
April 2, 2025
Artificial Intelligence: Theories and applications for education and working life
Peter Mozelius, Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist, Jimmy Jaldemark, Martha Cleveland-Innes
Artificial Intelligence: Theories and applications for education and working life
Peter Mozelius, Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist, Jimmy Jaldemark, Martha Cleveland-Innes
September 11, 2024
Empowering Micro-credentials using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
Rory McGreal
Empowering Micro-credentials using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
Rory McGreal
December 7, 2022
The Interconnectivity of Heutagogy and Education 4.0 in Higher Online Education
Jeanne Kim
The Interconnectivity of Heutagogy and Education 4.0 in Higher Online Education
Jeanne Kim
October 19, 2022
The CoI Repository and the State of CoI Research
D. Randy Garrison, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Norman Vaughan, Stefan Stenbom, Debra Dell, Dan Wilton
The CoI Repository and the State of CoI Research
D. Randy Garrison, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Norman Vaughan, Stefan Stenbom, Debra Dell, Dan Wilton
April 6, 2022
The Multiple Realities of Professional Development for Online Contingent Faculty in Canadian Strategy and Practice
Jason Openo
The Multiple Realities of Professional Development for Online Contingent Faculty in Canadian Strategy and Practice
Jason Openo
September 15, 2021
An Analysis of Digital Education in Canada in 2017-2019
Charlene A. VanLeeuwen, George Veletsianos
An Analysis of Digital Education in Canada in 2017-2019
Charlene A. VanLeeuwen, George Veletsianos
June 16, 2021
Appreciative Inquiry Based Faculty Development: A Mixed Methods Case Study
Leeann Waddington
Appreciative Inquiry Based Faculty Development: A Mixed Methods Case Study
Leeann Waddington
March 3, 2021
Changes in Educators' Digital Literacies and Perceptions of Community of Inquiry Resulting from Participation in an Open Online Professional Development Course
Maria Kvarnström, Lotta Åbjörnsson, Lars Uhlin, Jörg Pareigis, Danielle Santos, Alastair Creelman, Gregor Theilmeier, Martha Cleveland-Innes
Changes in Educators' Digital Literacies and Perceptions of Community of Inquiry Resulting from Participation in an Open Online Professional Development Course
Maria Kvarnström, Lotta Åbjörnsson, Lars Uhlin, Jörg Pareigis, Danielle Santos, Alastair Creelman, Gregor Theilmeier, Martha Cleveland-Innes
January 27, 2021
Bridging Connections between Heutagogy, Blended and Online Learning, and Lifelong Learning: What have We Learned?
Jennifer Lock, Sawsen Lakhal, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Paula Arancibia, Debra Dell, Noeleen DiSilva
Bridging Connections between Heutagogy, Blended and Online Learning, and Lifelong Learning: What have We Learned?
Jennifer Lock, Sawsen Lakhal, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Paula Arancibia, Debra Dell, Noeleen DiSilva
November 25, 2020
Emotional Presence Indicators in an Online Community of Inquiry: A Scoping Review and Delphi Study of Student and Facilitator Experience
Debra Dell
Emotional Presence Indicators in an Online Community of Inquiry: A Scoping Review and Delphi Study of Student and Facilitator Experience
Debra Dell
September 30, 2020
Creating a Community of Learning in the Zoom Classroom: Strategies for Establishing a Positive Online Learning Environment
Alysia Wright, Haboun Bair
Creating a Community of Learning in the Zoom Classroom: Strategies for Establishing a Positive Online Learning Environment
Alysia Wright, Haboun Bair
January 22, 2020
Sense of Irony or Perfect Timing: Examining the Research Supporting Proposed e-Learning Changes in Ontario
Michael Barbour, Randy LaBonte
Sense of Irony or Perfect Timing: Examining the Research Supporting Proposed e-Learning Changes in Ontario
Michael Barbour, Randy LaBonte
November 7, 2018
Social Affordances, Social Presence and Sociable Online Learning Environments: A Study of the SIPS Model in Action
Joshua Weidlich
Social Affordances, Social Presence and Sociable Online Learning Environments: A Study of the SIPS Model in Action
Joshua Weidlich
April 4, 2018
Panel Session: Implementation of Universal Design for Learning in Online Learning at Alberta Postsecondary Institutions
UDL Committee
Panel Session: Implementation of Universal Design for Learning in Online Learning at Alberta Postsecondary Institutions
UDL Committee
March 21, 2018
Breaking Barriers in Home Study Science: Home Labs and Science Distance Education
Martin Connors, Farook Al-Shamali
Breaking Barriers in Home Study Science: Home Labs and Science Distance Education
Martin Connors, Farook Al-Shamali
March 7, 2018
Presentation Design and Video Production for Education and Teaching Online: A User Guide
Jonas Thorén
Presentation Design and Video Production for Education and Teaching Online: A User Guide
Jonas Thorén
February 7, 2018
The Open Educators Factory Project: In Search for the Open Educator
Fabio Nascimbeni, Daniel Burgos
The Open Educators Factory Project: In Search for the Open Educator
Fabio Nascimbeni, Daniel Burgos
January 17, 2018
LOOCs: Sustainable Open Education for a Small University
Kathy Snow, M. Tanya Brann-Barrett
LOOCs: Sustainable Open Education for a Small University
Kathy Snow, M. Tanya Brann-Barrett
November 1, 2017
Conceptualizing Formal and Informal Learning in MOOCs as Activity Systems
Kathlyn Bradshaw
Conceptualizing Formal and Informal Learning in MOOCs as Activity Systems
Kathlyn Bradshaw
October 4, 2017
Social Presence in Two Massive Open Online Courses: Results from a Doctoral Study
Matthew Stranach
Social Presence in Two Massive Open Online Courses: Results from a Doctoral Study
Matthew Stranach
May 3, 2017
Introducing the CoI Blog: A Community of Inquiry for the Community of Inquiry
D. Randy Garrison, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Norman Vaughan, Dan Wilton
Introducing the CoI Blog: A Community of Inquiry for the Community of Inquiry
D. Randy Garrison, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Norman Vaughan, Dan Wilton
April 19, 2017
Building Student Networks: Towards a Connectivist Analysis of Classroom Learning Environments
Gerald Ardito
Building Student Networks: Towards a Connectivist Analysis of Classroom Learning Environments
Gerald Ardito
December 7, 2016
A Socio-technological Approach of Addressing Distance Education Issues in Developing and Developed Countries
Md Aktaruzzaman
A Socio-technological Approach of Addressing Distance Education Issues in Developing and Developed Countries
Md Aktaruzzaman
November 9, 2016
Distance, Online and Blended Schools: Where Are We? What Do We Know?
Tom Clark, Michael Barbour
Distance, Online and Blended Schools: Where Are We? What Do We Know?
Tom Clark, Michael Barbour
April 13, 2016
From Data Science to Learning Analytics: The Evolution of the E-Listening Research Project
From Data Science to Learning Analytics: The Evolution of the E-Listening Research Project
January 13, 2016
The GRASS Project - Measuring 21st Century Learning: Innovative Pedagogy and Assessment with Technology
The GRASS Project - Measuring 21st Century Learning: Innovative Pedagogy and Assessment with Technology
November 4, 2015
Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT): Promoting Teaching for 21st Century Learning
Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT): Promoting Teaching for 21st Century Learning
April 1, 2015
The Development of a Shared Metacognition Construct and Survey Instrument for Communities of Inquiry
The Development of a Shared Metacognition Construct and Survey Instrument for Communities of Inquiry
March 4, 2015
New Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Insights into the Community of Inquiry Survey
New Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Insights into the Community of Inquiry Survey
December 3, 2014
Graduate Student Panel: The CoI Framework
Viviane Vladimirschi, Lynne Rabak, Madelaine Befus, Martha Cleveland-Innes
Graduate Student Panel: The CoI Framework
Viviane Vladimirschi, Lynne Rabak, Madelaine Befus, Martha Cleveland-Innes
November 5, 2014
Applying the CoI Framework to a K-12 Context
Erin Krysko, Norman Vaughan, Steven Prediger
Applying the CoI Framework to a K-12 Context
Erin Krysko, Norman Vaughan, Steven Prediger
September 17, 2014
Introduction to the CoI Webinar Series
Martha Cleveland-Innes, D. Randy Garrison, Norman Vaughan
Introduction to the CoI Webinar Series
Martha Cleveland-Innes, D. Randy Garrison, Norman Vaughan
June 4, 2014
Open Educational Resources for Professionals: A New Era in the Training and Development of Legislative Counsel
Dale Dewhurst, John Mark Keyes, Archie Zariski
Open Educational Resources for Professionals: A New Era in the Training and Development of Legislative Counsel
Dale Dewhurst, John Mark Keyes, Archie Zariski
May 7, 2014
Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
Norman Vaughan, Martha Cleveland-Innes, D. Randy Garrison
Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
Norman Vaughan, Martha Cleveland-Innes, D. Randy Garrison
March 5, 2014
Providing Learner-Centered Feedback Using a Variety of Technologies
Jane Costello, Daphne Crane
Providing Learner-Centered Feedback Using a Variety of Technologies
Jane Costello, Daphne Crane
February 12, 2014
Support for Inquiry-based Learning through Visual Tools: Knowledge Maps and More
Ambjörn Naeve, Martha Cleveland-Innes
Support for Inquiry-based Learning through Visual Tools: Knowledge Maps and More
Ambjörn Naeve, Martha Cleveland-Innes
November 13, 2013
What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks, and What Do Their Experiences Tell Us About Identity and the Web?
George Veletsianos
What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks, and What Do Their Experiences Tell Us About Identity and the Web?
George Veletsianos
October 2, 2013
What Kinds of Learning Can We Scale with Online Resources and Activities (and What Can't We Scale)?
Thomas Carey
What Kinds of Learning Can We Scale with Online Resources and Activities (and What Can't We Scale)?
Thomas Carey
June 5, 2013
Social Presence
Patrick Lowenthal, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Karen Swan, Jennifer Richardson
Social Presence
Patrick Lowenthal, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Karen Swan, Jennifer Richardson
May 8, 2013
Challenges in the Graduate Student Experience: Struggling to Complete Valuable Research in an Online Environment
Matthew Asser
Challenges in the Graduate Student Experience: Struggling to Complete Valuable Research in an Online Environment
Matthew Asser
April 3, 2013
Much Ado About Affordances: Implications for Researching Technological Affordances
Gale Parchoma
Much Ado About Affordances: Implications for Researching Technological Affordances
Gale Parchoma
June 18, 2008
Emotion, Learning and the Online Learning Environment
Martha Cleveland-Innes, Zehra Akyol
Emotion, Learning and the Online Learning Environment
Martha Cleveland-Innes, Zehra Akyol
June 4, 2008
The Effective Use of Synchronous Classes Within an Online Graduate Program: Building Upon an Interdependent System
Janet Groen, Janet Tworek, Maria Soos-Gonczol
The Effective Use of Synchronous Classes Within an Online Graduate Program: Building Upon an Interdependent System
Janet Groen, Janet Tworek, Maria Soos-Gonczol
May 9, 2008
Enhancing the Flexibility of Distance Education through Mobile Learning
Aleksander Dye, Torstein Rekkedal
Enhancing the Flexibility of Distance Education through Mobile Learning
Aleksander Dye, Torstein Rekkedal
April 25, 2008
Tools for Analysis of Research Data Collected from Wikis and Blogs
Madhumita Bhattacharya
Tools for Analysis of Research Data Collected from Wikis and Blogs
Madhumita Bhattacharya
April 9, 2008
The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net Behind the Classroom
Ismael Peña-López
The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net Behind the Classroom
Ismael Peña-López
March 26, 2008
Online Teaching in International Contexts: Towards a Sociocultural Perspective of Teaching Presence
Tannis Morgan
Online Teaching in International Contexts: Towards a Sociocultural Perspective of Teaching Presence
Tannis Morgan
March 12, 2008
The Use of Whiteboards in Synchronous Online Drop-In Tutorials in Distance Delivered Courses
Lawton Shaw
The Use of Whiteboards in Synchronous Online Drop-In Tutorials in Distance Delivered Courses
Lawton Shaw
February 29, 2008
Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development
J. Ben Arbaugh, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Sebastian Diaz, D. Randy Garrison, Phil Ice, Jennifer Richardson, Peter Shea, Karen Swan
Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development
J. Ben Arbaugh, Martha Cleveland-Innes, Sebastian Diaz, D. Randy Garrison, Phil Ice, Jennifer Richardson, Peter Shea, Karen Swan
February 13, 2008
Using 3D Virtual Worlds: Engaging Learners and Providing Social Support
David Annand, Gunnar Schwede, Bob Heller, Colin Eliott
Using 3D Virtual Worlds: Engaging Learners and Providing Social Support
David Annand, Gunnar Schwede, Bob Heller, Colin Eliott
February 6, 2008
Ontologies for Effective Use of Context in e-Learning Settings
Dragan Gašević, Jelena Jovanović, Colin Knight, Griff Richards
Ontologies for Effective Use of Context in e-Learning Settings
Dragan Gašević, Jelena Jovanović, Colin Knight, Griff Richards
November 7, 2007
Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Developing, Implementing and Delivering Successful Distributed Learning Environments for your Students
Elizabeth Childs, Lara Jongedijk
Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Developing, Implementing and Delivering Successful Distributed Learning Environments for your Students
Elizabeth Childs, Lara Jongedijk
October 17, 2007
Toward a Unified Theory of Instruction in the Cognitive Domain
Paul Gorsky, Avner Caspi, Eran Chajut
Toward a Unified Theory of Instruction in the Cognitive Domain
Paul Gorsky, Avner Caspi, Eran Chajut
October 3, 2007
The Development of a Research Agenda: Learning in a Virtual School Environment
Michael Barbour
The Development of a Research Agenda: Learning in a Virtual School Environment
Michael Barbour
September 21, 2007
Measuring the Link Between Technology and Transactional Distance in Distance Education
Phillip Potts, Denis Tanguay
Measuring the Link Between Technology and Transactional Distance in Distance Education
Phillip Potts, Denis Tanguay
July 4, 2007
Social Software and Emergent Learning Spaces: Towards the Personalized Learning Environment
Steven Warburton
Social Software and Emergent Learning Spaces: Towards the Personalized Learning Environment
Steven Warburton
June 6, 2007
Using Third Generation Activity Theory and Contradictions to Analyse Qualitative Data
Elizabeth Murphy, Maria Rodriguez, Charlene Dodd, Brian Kerr
Using Third Generation Activity Theory and Contradictions to Analyse Qualitative Data
Elizabeth Murphy, Maria Rodriguez, Charlene Dodd, Brian Kerr
May 2, 2007
Breaking the Ice: Supporting Collaboration and the Development of Community Online
Julie S. Dixon
Breaking the Ice: Supporting Collaboration and the Development of Community Online
Julie S. Dixon
March 30, 2007
Evaluation Model for Programs that Integrate Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process
Karen Belfer
Evaluation Model for Programs that Integrate Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process
Karen Belfer
March 7, 2007
Understanding and Facilitating: Emotional Presence in an Online Community of Inquiry
Martha Cleveland-Innes, Prisca Campbell
Understanding and Facilitating: Emotional Presence in an Online Community of Inquiry
Martha Cleveland-Innes, Prisca Campbell
April 5, 2006
An Investigation into the Use of an Orientation Course to Address Academic and Social Integration Issues
Heather Kanuka, Kam Jugdev
An Investigation into the Use of an Orientation Course to Address Academic and Social Integration Issues
Heather Kanuka, Kam Jugdev
January 11, 2006
Instructional Designers’ Perceptions of Their Agency: Tales of Change and Community
Katy Campbell, Rick Kenny, Richard Schwier
Instructional Designers’ Perceptions of Their Agency: Tales of Change and Community
Katy Campbell, Rick Kenny, Richard Schwier
October 28, 2005
The Influence of Instructional Methods on the Quality of Online Discussion
Heather Kanuka
The Influence of Instructional Methods on the Quality of Online Discussion
Heather Kanuka
January 11, 2005
Affect as a Presence in the Community of Inquiry Model
Prisca Campbell, Martha Cleveland-Innes
Affect as a Presence in the Community of Inquiry Model
Prisca Campbell, Martha Cleveland-Innes
December 7, 2004
Investigating How Technology Innovation is Decided and Implemented in a Interorganizational Collaboration
Genevieve Gallant
Investigating How Technology Innovation is Decided and Implemented in a Interorganizational Collaboration
Genevieve Gallant