Hearables for Online Learning: The Beginning
September 12, 2018
Rory McGreal, Athabasca University, Canada
Hearables are wireless smart micro-computers with artificial intelligence that incorporate both speakers and microphones. They fit in the ears and can connect to the Internet and to other devices; they are designed to be worn daily. One form of specialised hearables are the earphone language translators that offer potential in language teaching.
This opens up the possibility of taking full advantage of these devices to support other forms of mobile learning in both traditional and distance education. Hearables can support the delivery of lectures, educational podcasts, notifications, and reminders through a wide variety of applications, while supporting interactivity. Intelligent hearables can determine the context and choose the right time and place to deliver the best content. These devices can become one of the principal ways we interact in learning and provide continuous support for independent, personalised, just-in-time, and self-directed learning contexts.
This opens up the possibility of taking full advantage of these devices to support other forms of mobile learning in both traditional and distance education. Hearables can support the delivery of lectures, educational podcasts, notifications, and reminders through a wide variety of applications, while supporting interactivity. Intelligent hearables can determine the context and choose the right time and place to deliver the best content. These devices can become one of the principal ways we interact in learning and provide continuous support for independent, personalised, just-in-time, and self-directed learning contexts.
Empowering Micro-credentials using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
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Retrospective on OA Publishing
McGreal, Rory
Further details coming soon.
Match: McGreal, Rory