Artificial Intelligence: Theories and applications for education and working life
April 2, 2025 · 9:00am MT   [check time zone]
Peter Mozelius · Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University), Sweden
Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist · Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University), Sweden
Jimmy Jaldemark · Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University), Sweden
Martha Cleveland-Innes · Athabasca University, Canada

In the current spring of Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI is purported to affect many areas, including higher education. To cope with this new situation, there is a large-scale need for teacher professional development. The project FAITH (Frontline Application of AI and Technology-enhanced Learning for Transforming Higher Education) is a higher education pedagogical development project that aims to develop institutional teaching development and education programs further. Using AI and technology-enhanced learning, teachers in higher education will work and develop programs that are adapted to work and study in a highly communicative, cloud-based, mobile, and smart AI-based society.

The project has the following objectives:

  • To take advantage of ongoing higher education pedagogical development initiatives within the university;
  • To harness the power and benefits of already established models and teams and to develop professional knowledge through new higher education pedagogy; and
  • To increase staff understanding and competence in AI and technology-enhanced learning.

FAITH is based on design-based research, which involves iterative and cumulative development processes. The project will be implemented during 2024-2026. FAITH consists of three phases: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. In the preparation phase, the project is planned in detail. A steering group is formed, and a project team is created. In this phase, these groups are responsible for the staffing and scheduling of FAITH, including the development of a plan for the competence development action. Program managers have a primary responsibility for the pedagogical development of their respective programs. Therefore, they have a prominent role in the FAITH project group. The implementation phase includes training of teams, pedagogical development work and seminar activities. The focus is on the impact of technological development on higher education studies and its content and form. In the final evaluation phase, the experiences are compiled and, based on the conclusions drawn, proposals for further development are drawn up.

This interactive session will report on the preliminary data from the first participants, the next steps, and future research.


Peter Mozelius is an Associate Professor and Researcher, working at the Department of Education at the Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall, Sweden. His research interests are in the fields of Technology enhanced learning, Game-based learning, Lifelong learning, AI in education and Programming education. Peter teaches in programming courses that are given as professional development for STEM teachers, in courses on scientific writing and in courses on artificial intelligence.

Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist holds a PhD in Education, in Learning and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). As an associate professor, her research interests involve teaching, learning, and leading with digital technologies, One to One (1:1), and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) as well as the practical implications of teaching and learning with technology in practice and school development. At present, she is a senior lecturer, distinguished for teaching excellence, and the Department Head at the Department of Education at Mid Sweden University, Campus Sundsvall. Her teaching responsibilities are found in the Swedish National Principal Training Programme, The Collaboration for Best School (SBS) and teacher education. Other projects involve Teacher Shortage, Work-integrated Learning and Reflection as a tool for learning.

Jimmy Jaldemark is a Professor at the Department of Education, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden. He has worked with the digitalisation of learning in Swedish higher education and working life for nearly 30 years, including administration, research, teaching, and assessment of educational settings. His current research interest concerns collaborative, lifelong, mobile, and networked aspects of learning. his interest is usually applied in higher education or professional development settings and embraces the impact of digitalisation (for example, AI) on society.

Martha Cleveland-Innes is an Open, Digital, and Distance Education Professor at Athabasca University. She is Editor-in-Chief of the bilingual Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, and the co-author of open-source publications The Guide to Blended Learning (2018), Participant Experience in an Inquiry-Based Massive Open Online Course (2022), and Principles of Blended Learning (2024). The Design of Digital Learning Environments: Online and Blended Applications of the Community of Inquiry was recently co-edited by Dr. Cleveland-Innes (Taylor& Francis, 2024). As a principal investigator, Martha received funding from SSHRC’s Canada First Research Excellence Fund to study Wellness outcomes and education participation for sick children from marginalized populations (2024-2026). She is currently a Visiting Professor of Pedagogy at Mid-Sweden University (2018-present)

Educating the Educators on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education


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