Open Educational Resources for Professionals: A New Era in the Training and Development of Legislative Counsel
June 4, 2014
Dale Dewhurst · Athabasca University, Canada
John Mark Keyes · University of Ottawa, Canada
Archie Zariski · Athabasca University, Canada
John Mark Keyes · University of Ottawa, Canada
Archie Zariski · Athabasca University, Canada
In this session, Dale Dewhurst, John Mark Keyes, and Archie Zariski will discuss a current project to develop open educational resources (OER) for legislative counsel in countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. The project is the latest step in a 20-year old distance education program for those professionals.
The session will explore best practices for investment in freely available OERs for use by professionals and students who are involved in open access and online learning environments. The creation and deployment of the OER raised many of the key issues faced by many current organizations, including the tension between openness and quality, and the relationship of OER to accreditation. Findings describe the importance of chunking information appropriately, tackling the separation of core knowledge from local contexts, and managing integrity while operating in the domain of open source materials.
The session will explore best practices for investment in freely available OERs for use by professionals and students who are involved in open access and online learning environments. The creation and deployment of the OER raised many of the key issues faced by many current organizations, including the tension between openness and quality, and the relationship of OER to accreditation. Findings describe the importance of chunking information appropriately, tackling the separation of core knowledge from local contexts, and managing integrity while operating in the domain of open source materials.
WikiEducator: A Return to the Traditions of the Academy?
Mackintosh, Wayne
The Open Education Resource (OER) movement shows considerable potential to reduce cost, improve quality and widen access to educational opportunities. Facilitated by the power of social software in a connected world as ...
Match: open education resource; OER
Multiply K-12 OER
Blomgren, Connie; Roberts, Verena
For various reasons including costs, it is expected that the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) within K-12 is likely to take hold rapidly. Educating in-service teachers through the Multiply K-12 OER podcasts and ...
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