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The GRASS Project - Measuring 21st Century Learning: Innovative Pedagogy and Assessment with Technology
January 13, 2016

Assessing the Quality of K-12 Online Content: A Sample Assessment Rubric
Jongedijk, Lara
What factors create an effective online course from a “content” point of view? This session will highlight the assessment criteria and the review process that was used to review the content of K-12 online learning ...
Match: assessment

Providing Learner-Centered Feedback Using a Variety of Technologies
Costello, Jane; Crane, Daphne
As the number, type, and use of technologies to support learning increases, so do the opportunities for using these technologies for feedback. Learner-centered feedback is a core to the teaching-learning process. It is ...
Match: assessment

Assessment Strategies for Online Learning
Conrad, Dianne
Although learners sometimes respond negatively to evaluation, assessments have provided educational institutions with important information about learning outcomes and the quality of education for many decades. But how ...
Match: assessment