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Providing Learner-Centered Feedback Using a Variety of Technologies
March 5, 2014
Jane Costello · Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Daphne Crane · Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
As the number, type, and use of technologies to support learning increases, so do the opportunities for using these technologies for feedback. Learner-centered feedback is a core to the teaching-learning process. It is related to assessment in describing how learners perform in their learning, their gain in knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

In this session by Jane Costello and Daph Crane, feedback, types of feedback, guidelines for effective learner-centered feedback, and feedback's relationship to assessment are presented. Methods of providing feedback, for example, automated, audio scribe pens, digital audio, etc., and the related technologies are described. Technologies that allow instructors to make informed decisions about the use of various methods for feedback are discussed.
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Technologies for Learner-Centered Feedback [Open Praxis]

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