George Veletsianos · Royal Roads University, Canada
Dr. Charlene A. VanLeeuwen was a postdoctoral researcher at Royal Roads University and is an instructor and coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Prince Edward Island. Charlene has a background in qualitative interpretive research methods and employs a broad range of digital education technologies and approaches in her teaching practice. Her research interests revolve around digital learning, faculty development, community-based learning, and international development work in rural Kenya.
Dr. George Veletsianos is Professor at Royal Roads University, where he holds the Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology and the Commonwealth of Learning Chair in Flexible Learning at Royal Roads University. George’s research aims to understand and improve teaching, learning, access, equity, and participation in digital learning environments. His research interests center around learner and faculty experiences surrounding online learning, flexible learning, networked scholarship, and emerging technopedagogical practices.
What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks, and What Do Their Experiences Tell Us About Identity and the Web?