An Investigation into the Use of an Orientation Course to Address Academic and Social Integration Issues
April 5, 2006
Heather Kanuka · Athabasca University, Canada
Kam Jugdev · Athabasca University, Canada
Kam Jugdev · Athabasca University, Canada
Social Presence in a Web-Based Synchronous Secondary Classroom
Nippard, Eric
Match: e-learning; online learning; computer mediated communication; CMC
The Influence of Instructional Methods on the Quality of Online Discussion
Kanuka, Heather
Match: Kanuka, Heather; online learning
Understanding and Facilitating: Emotional Presence in an Online Community of Inquiry
Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Campbell, Prisca
Match: distance education; e-learning; online learning
Revisiting Mega-Universities
Rubin, Eugene; SchWeber, Claudine
Match: distance education; higher education; e-learning
Online Students’ Expectations
Berge, Zane
Match: distance education; e-learning
Using 3D Virtual Worlds: Engaging Learners and Providing Social Support
Annand, David; Schwede, Gunnar; Heller, Bob; Eliott, Colin
Demonstrating how an avatar-based 3-D learning environment can more fully engage learners in their online educational experience, the volunteer team of developers from Athabasca University will showcase a prototype of a ...
Match: distance education; e-learning
A Proposed e-Learning Policy Field for the Academy
Parchoma, Gale
Match: distance education; e-learning
Engagement through Simulation
O’Leary, Arlene
Match: distance education; pedagogy
Breaking the Ice: Supporting Collaboration and the Development of Community Online
Dixon, Julie S.
Match: e-learning; online learning
Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Developing, Implementing and Delivering Successful Distributed Learning Environments for your Students
Childs, Elizabeth; Jongedijk, Lara
Match: distance education; e-learning