The Effective Use of Synchronous Classes Within an Online Graduate Program: Building Upon an Interdependent System
June 4, 2008
Janet Groen, University of Calgary, Canada
Janet Tworek, University of Calgary, Canada
Maria Soos-Gonczol, University of Calgary, Canada
Janet Tworek, University of Calgary, Canada
Maria Soos-Gonczol, University of Calgary, Canada
In this presentation, Janet Groen, Janet Tworek, and Maria Soos-Gonczol will discuss the implementation of effective synchronous voice communication sessions within a graduate level university program in education from the multiple perspectives of an instructor, graduate student, program administrator and instructional technology support person. They will explore the challenges and highlights in utilizing synchronous communication sessions within their program. Ultimately, they argue that a fundamental shift within the university culture must occur in order to sustain an effective student centered approach to synchronous classes: a shift from instructor autonomy to locating an instructor within an interdependent system. They will conclude this presentation by providing recommendations for the effective use of synchronous sessions that work toward enhancing the students’ learning environment.
Online Students’ Expectations
Berge, Zane
Match: distance education; online education
The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net Behind the Classroom
Peña-López, Ismael
In this presentation, Ismael Peña-López expands on his previous research into personal research portals to propose ways in which educators may use web 2.0 tools to build themselves a place on the net - a personal ...
Match: distance education; online education
Breaking Barriers in Home Study Science: Home Labs and Science Distance Education
Connors, Martin; Al-Shamali, Farook
Home labs have had fundamental practical impact on science distance education, yet may not well known to distance education researchers as it has mainly been of a practical nature.\n\nThis session will examine how the ...
Match: distance education
An Investigation into the Use of an Orientation Course to Address Academic and Social Integration Issues
Kanuka, Heather; Jugdev, Kam
Match: distance education
Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Developing, Implementing and Delivering Successful Distributed Learning Environments for your Students
Childs, Elizabeth; Jongedijk, Lara
Match: distance education
Professional Identity in Distance Education
Forster, Anne
Match: distance education
Revisiting Mega-Universities
Rubin, Eugene; SchWeber, Claudine
Match: distance education
Understanding and Facilitating: Emotional Presence in an Online Community of Inquiry
Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Campbell, Prisca
Match: distance education
Engagement through Simulation
O’Leary, Arlene
Match: distance education
State of the Nation 2013: K-12 Online Learning in Canada
Barbour, Michael
This presentation will highlight the details of the sixth annual State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada report. Some of these highlights include:\n\n- during the 2011-12 school year there were an estimated ...
Match: distance education