Leeann Waddington leads the Learning Technology and Educational Consultant teams at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in their efforts to support innovation in teaching and learning. Previously an experienced faculty member in Nursing and Health Sciences, Leeann was the 2015 faculty Daisy award winner for teaching excellence and holds a Post Masters Certificate in Curriculum Design. Leeann is a doctoral candidate in the Distance Education (EdD) program at Athabasca University. Her research explores the possible impact of Appreciative Inquiry on faculty development aimed at supporting the adoption of blended and online learning. She is also an Appreciative Inquiry facilitator and trainer with the Center for Appreciative Inquiry and believes a focus on strengths will build capacity for innovation in higher education.
A Protocol for Developmental Observation of Online Teaching
Bridging Connections between Heutagogy, Blended and Online Learning, and Lifelong Learning: What have We Learned?
Emotional Presence Indicators in an Online Community of Inquiry: A Scoping Review and Delphi Study of Student and Facilitator Experience
Creating a Community of Learning in the Zoom Classroom: Strategies for Establishing a Positive Online Learning Environment
Changes in Educators' Digital Literacies and Perceptions of Community of Inquiry Resulting from Participation in an Open Online Professional Development Course
The Open Educators Factory Project: In Search for the Open Educator