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The Open Educators Factory Project: In Search for the Open Educator
February 7, 2018
Fabio Nascimbeni · Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Spain
Daniel Burgos · Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Spain
The Open Educators Factory (OEF) project stems from the assumption that true progress in terms of openness in higher education (as well as in other educational sectors) requires a major cultural change in the mindset of all stakeholders from public policy makers to institutional leaders, to teachers and researchers, to students and parents.

The aim of the Open Educators Factory project is to explore how to transform university teachers from "agents of resistance" into "agents of change" for openness in education. This presentation will discuss results based on data collected from more than 400 HE teachers.
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Open Educators Factory
Open Educators Factory project description [WikiEducator]
In Search for the Open Educator: Proposal of a Definition and a Framework to Increase Openness Adoption Among University Educators [IRRODL]

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