Assessment Strategies for Online Learning
October 10, 2018
Dianne Conrad, Athabasca University, Canada
Although learners sometimes respond negatively to evaluation, assessments have provided educational institutions with important information about learning outcomes and the quality of education for many decades. But how accurate are these data and have they informed practice or been fully incorporated into the learning cycle? In their new book, Assessment Strategies for Online Learning, Conrad and Openo argue that the potential inherent in online learning environments to alter and improve assessment and evaluation has yet to be explored by educators and learners. They insist that online and distance learning environments afford educators new opportunities to embrace only the most effective face-to-face assessment methods and to realize the potential of engaged learning in the digital age.
In this session, the author will introduce her new book, Assessment Strategies for Online Learning, describing new forms of assessment and a number of best practices.
In this session, the author will introduce her new book, Assessment Strategies for Online Learning, describing new forms of assessment and a number of best practices.
Providing Learner-Centered Feedback Using a Variety of Technologies
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Match: assessment
Assessing the Quality of K-12 Online Content: A Sample Assessment Rubric
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Match: assessment